Tuesday, 26 October 2010

The Making of LBOC

Hi guys
I though you might enjoy seeing the LBOC being made step by step

As you can see, I received lots of lovely parcels to be made into LBOC.

Here's the LBOC booklet I made from all of the bussiness cards from you guys, ready to be put into LBOCs sample bags.

Next step was to evenly put the samples and booklets together. I put 2 samples that was different from one another and 2 postcards into each bag. along side magnets and other litle things you gave me, to advertise your shops. as you can see, there was quite a few bags to make up. Im usally make beween 30 and 80 bags, this ime it was 117! Amazing, thank you guys!


  1. wow! You did an amazing job there :) x

  2. God I am so crap !!!! Totally forgot AGAIN !!!!!!!!
    Looks great Mimi well done, from your friend who is getting forgetful in her old age lol !

  3. Wow! Great job. They look fabulous!

  4. Thank you for doing this for us all. It all looks very prefessional and well organised. If I ever have the courage to do a craft fair I will certainly consider following your example. When does your craft fair start?

  5. WOW! It all looks amazing!!!!! I wish I had a craft fair to do so I can return the favour!
    Thank you for all your hard work, I really do appreciate it, as does everyone else who has taken part! x

  6. Thank you for all your hard work! It is appreciated!

    Carole x

  7. Just brilliant, what a great idea and what a great gal!
    I am going to mail you!

  8. Blimey, you have worked hard to sort out that lot!!! Thank you for giving up your time to help us. Sue x

  9. Thanks for all your hard work, the sample bags look amazing! *big hugs* Kate x

  10. Yay I can see my flyers on the photos!! :o) fingers crossed some business comes my way xXx

  11. Oh wow! There's my mug cosy! Did I send that too, I can't remember that!!

  12. Did anyone have any sales from the LBOC? If so let us all know :o) as of yet I dont think I had any :o( but oh well I will keep trying xXx

  13. You are a kind person to do all this for people you do not know ....


  14. little book of crafters have nice collections of business cards. Plastic Cards
